IUP Rapid Response

Dedicated to student activism on and around campus

Monthly Archives: February 2011

Quarter Sheet Flyer!

Hey everyone!

A lot of us out there are really agitated by the actions of Chick-Fil-A, agitated to the point that we’ve taken action and are organizing to create real improvements in the lives of those oppressed by the discriminatory agenda of Chick-Fil-A.  We cannot forget though that there are a great deal of people in our communities who are unaware of these recent events.  In order to agitate them we’ve gotta educate them!!!   Hit the link below and you’ll find the quarter sheet flyer we made up.

Print em out, cut em out, pass em out!

Link to flyer.

Chick-Fil-A Strategy Meeting Minutes 2/19/2011

2/19 Meeting Minutes


***Access and Print Out the Remove Chick-Fil-A Petition Here***

-Literature should be finished this week and ready for tabling

-Pete Rocksmore has started talking with other organizations from other schools, this creates the potential for a national network of students working against Chik-Fil-A

-There has been a movement for increased communication within the IUP Rapid Response Team. We are seeking to do this through more e-mails (Ida, if you aren’t up for this we discussed the possibility of sharing the log-in info for the IUPRapidResponse e-mail address, that way it can be utilized when needed. Please let us know how you feel about that.)
-In addition to our increase in e-mail communication, we will begin taking minutes at all meetings. This is a shared responsibility and a new person will be designated each week. After that weeks meeting, minutes should be typed and e-mailed to IUPRapidResponse@gmail.com, where they will be forwarded to the rest of the group

-We broke into two groups: Tabling and Petition Language

-The Tabling Group worked on when and where to Table. They will begin this week at Leonard Hall, and         when the paperwork is through they will move to the HUB (right near chik-fil-a).
-Tabling will require:
-A survey that students can fill out about what they would like to see take the place of Chik-Fil-A                     (Chipotle, A coffee shop, A Bagel style restaraunt, etc)
– Print outs of Articles and Sources used for the Literature
-Buttons (possibly)
-An E-mail list
-Articles about other Schools who have been successful
-And of course the PETITION!!! (see below for details)

-The Petition Language Group worked on writing a petition that is short sweet and to the point
-This is where I would tell you exactly what it said, but alas, it is saved on Pete R’s computer. He will be         forwarding it to all members.

Finally: BLITZ-FIL-A

Blitz-Fil-A is our current plan of action from now until Spring-Break.
We start monday with a DORM STORM!
-Meet at 7 pm monday outside of the POD at Walwork Hall (Sutton Suites). We will be going door to door     inside Walwork to get petition signatures

If you can’t make the Dorm Storm, fear not! Pete R is e-mailing everyone a copy of the Petition. We are asking all members to print out the petition and do at least 3 class raps this week and encourage their fellow students to sign on. We believe that 25 signatures per member is a good goal for this week, but if you can get more thats awesome!

Our LOW goal is to have 500 Signatures before Spring Break

We are also looking to have what some call an “Event” or a “Happening” but what we like to call a good ol’ fashion “Protest” outside of Chik-Fil-A on Wednesday of next week. More info on that as it develops.

Hope everyone is doing well 🙂

Recap of Mike Lemasters Meeting

From the meeting with Michael Lemasters, Associate Dean of Students, we learnedChick-Fil-A’s contract and presence dependent on the student voice.

Students determine the existence of Chick-Fil-A on campus, it is up to US to tell IUP what we want. If Chick-Fil-A is going to be gone by August, we’ve got a lot of work to do before June. Spread the word, talk to your professors, this is our time.

Call to boycott

This blogger/investigative journalist uncovered Chick-fil-a’s links to discriminatory organizations. A letter is soon-to-be en route to the Penn and Indiana Gazette calling on IUP students to oppose Chick-fil-a through a general boycott and the sharing of information, as well as to bring to light the social agenda which underlies their friendly corporate face. More to come.

Chick-Fil-A’s WinShape Foundation: Now partnering with NOM’s Ruth Institute

Chick-Fil-A counters criticism

This article from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution provides a brief summary of the recent controversy and a (formulated PR) response from Chick-Fil-A President, Dan Cathy. Despite their insistence of nondiscrimination, the worldview inherent to this corporation and expressed through their charitable arm (the Winshape Foundation) perpetuate cultural discrimination against diverse SOGEGI (sexual orientation, gender expression, gender identity).

Chick-fil-A counters criticism from gay rights groups: “We’re not anti-anybody”