IUP Rapid Response

Dedicated to student activism on and around campus

Monthly Archives: March 2011

Blitz-Fil-A Video

IUP Rapid Response went to work and created a video to try and illustrate what an oppressive presence like Chick-Fil-A in someones life is like…


IUP, We have a free charter bus supplied by the Co-Op and funded primarily by the Political Science Department for 50 IUP Students to attend the Rally in Harrisburg.

To get on the bus YOU MUST fill out the form below.  We will fill up the bus on a first come first serve basis.  Get a friend and sign up NOW!


FREE BUS and Carpool Form!

Harrisburg Budget Rally!

Hey IUP!  We are organizing travel for students to get to Harrisburg on Monday for a massive rally of college students from across the state!  If you’re interested in traveling by charter bus or joining a carpool click the link below and fill out the form!

Remember, if you start thinking about something you will sit down, but if you feel it you will stand up!

Fill Out the Form for Bus Ticket and Car Pool Info!

Students Respond to Illegal Drilling in Yellow Creek!

IUP students frequently make day trips out to Yellow Creek State Park during those too few precious sunny days here at school.  This space is currently being threatened by MDS Energy who began illegally drilling a Marcellus Shale natural gas well within the protected state park and who are applying for a special exemption permit to drill a well within the conservation buffer zone of Yellow Creek State Park.

On Monday night a public hearing was held in the Indiana County Courthouse and 15 IUP Rapid Responders attended. We came out to learn and to make our voices heard.  We are currently working on writing an official testimony in response to this proposed drilling and building relationships with Friends of Yellow Creek and IUP E.C.O. so that we can SAVE YELLOW CREEK!

Check out the Indiana Gazette article on the hearing…

Indiana Gazette Article on the public hearing!

Join IUP Rapid Response and save Yellow Creek!

New Project Page!

Hey IUP Rapid Response community!  We just posted a new project page titled “Fund Our Future!” so that folks who want to get involved and become leaders in our efforts to restore the higher education budget can get some information on the topic can and get plugged in!

Remember, IUP Rapid Response is only as powerful as the people involved so we’re always looking for more of you to step up!  If you want to help organize around the budget issue please check out the new page and e-mail us at IUPrapidresponse@gmail.com!

Check it out….

Fund Our Future!

Meeting Notes 3/19/2011

We had a Rapid Response meeting on Saturday afternoon with pretty good attendance where we accomplished a BUNCH!  Check out these brief notes to keep updated and to get involved!  ***Event Calendar at bottom of page***
1. Planned Parenthood
2. Marcellus Shale
3. Blitz-Fil-A
4. Budget Cuts
1.  IUP Rapid Responders came together and held a discussion on the Planned Parenthood funding cuts and consequent impacts of such an action.  We then decided to take action on campus.  Following the footsteps of students at Wesleyan University who created this video…http://motherjones.com/mixed-media/2011/03/must-see-video-i-have-sex…and created signs and began filming students in the HUB.
YOU can be a part of this project to support planned parenthood.  Mark your calendars and plan on attending the Women’s Studies Coat Hanger Project Screening Event on Wednesday, March 23 · 6:30pm – 8:30pm in the HUB MONONGAHELA ROOM. Come a little early or stay a little late and take 10 seconds to stand with Planned Parenthood!

2.  IUP Rapid Responders feel a call to take a stand against irresponsible drilling for Marcellus Shale natural gas in our community.  On Monday evening at 7:00pm in the 1st Floor Conference Room of the Indiana County Courhouse ANnex (827 Water Street, Indiana, PA ) there will be a public hearing in regards to proposed drilling in the Yellow Creek Buffer Zone.  IUP students will be gathering in the HUB Atrium at 6:00pm to quickly discuss talking points, distribute/make signs and then head downtown as a group. More information can be found at http://foyc.org/marcellus-hearing

3. We are ready to reenergize our Blitz-Fil-A Campaign.  In the past week we have received the endorsement of the GLBT Commission and are in the process of scheduling a meeting with a Chick-Fil-A representative on campus. We will posting new content on the wordpress as well including new articles on actions taken by Chick-Fil-A and a brief informational document of talking points so that YOU can take a stand and arm yourself with knowledge!  We’re also preparing a new tactic for Blitz-Fil-A.  Herds of students with cow masks will begun appearing on campus in various locations. By creating a critical mass of cows we’ll bring the issue to the forefront of the IUP community and raise awareness for our cows…I mean cause. 😉 Check out the event calendar below!
4. There is a need for a student movement on campus to answer Governor Corbetts proposed 50% budget cut to higher education.  IUP Rapid Response is going to facilitate the growth of this movement through education on the issue and by plugging in student leaders.  There is a RALLY AGAINST THE BUDGET CUTS! on Tuesday March 22, 2011 from Noon-1:00pm in the Oak Grove at the steps of the library. IUP Rapid Responders will be present distributing an informational flyer and engaging students in discussion.  Look for us near the edges of the anticipated crowd and take a stack of flyers to pass out!


  • Tabling inside of the HUB from 12-4 (Chik-Fil-A)
  • Public Hearing on Marcellus Shale Drilling in Yellow Creek Buffer Zone                                                                                                                                                                         -Hearing is at the courthouse on Philly st. and begins at 7pm. Meet us in the HUB at 6pm to  go as a group! (Marcellus Shale Awareness)



APSCUF Rally in the Oak Grove at noon!!!

You don’t have to be with us to protest the Budget Cuts, lets act up! (Budget Cuts)



  • Tabling/Flyering outside of Leonard and in the Oak Grove from 12-4 (Chik-Fil-A)
  • Mark your calendars and plan on attending the Women’s Studies Coat Hanger Project Screening Event on Wednesday, March 23 · 6:30pm – 8:30pm in the HUB MONONGAHELA ROOM.  Come a little early or stay a little late and take 10 seconds to tell our video camera why you stand with Planned Parenthood!



Tabling/Flyering outside of Leonard AND at the HUB! The more people we have at each location the better, this will offer maximum exposure to the student body. (Chik-Fil-A)


A note on Tabling: You don’t have to be present the whole time, if you can only be there from 12-1, or 2:30-3:05, thats cool! Questions/Comments or to figure out where the table is contact Pete GK 215-869-7029




-A protest is going to be planned in Conjunction with the talks with the Chik-Fil-A rep, we’re just waiting on a date for that meeting.


-CRITICAL MASS OF COWS! COW BLOC! CREEPS IN COW MASKS! Whatever you want to call it, we’re going to print up a bunch of paper cow masks on card stock with elastic bands. The plan is to hang signs around our necks are show up en mass in high traffic areas to disrupt the daily flow as well as spread awareness about the Chik-Fil-A campaign.


E-mail IUPRapidResponse@gmail.com with questions!